Business initiation trip for waste management and recycling industries in Nigeria
From 17.10.2023 to 20.10.2023 Bondacon International in cooperation with Amena Africa and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), conducted a successful business initiation trip to Nigeria (Lagos). This project was part of the Environmental Technologies Export Initiative of BMWK and was carried out as part of the market development program for SMEs.
Prior to the trip, participants received extensive information on the industry and market situation in Nigeria, as well as on the legal and tax framework and import regulations. In Nigeria (Lagos), participating companies were able to present their products to a selected audience of over 140 Nigerian industry experts from companies, associations and institutions. Individually arranged business appointments with Nigerian business partners (B2B appointments) and high-ranking representatives of trade associations as well as company visits created the basis for new cooperation.
Nigeria is a leading waste producer in Africa. A large part of the estimated 32 million tons of waste produced annually is generated in the greater Lagos area. Lagos is also a focal region for the circular economy activities and initiatives of business and government. The most important areas of opportunity in this context are e-waste, plastics, organic waste and liquid waste.
Market opportunities in Nigeria for German SMEs in the waste and recycling sector include the following areas:
Establishment of engineered landfills, transfer stations and material recovery facilities, supply of small trucks for waste collection, supply of D8 bulldozers, excavators and loaders, etc.
Machines and technologies for plastics crushing, metal recycling into ingots, processing of e-waste and mercury, recycling of LED batteries.
Projects to convert waste to fuel or energy as sustainable ways to meet Nigeria's energy needs
Construction of wastewater treatment infrastructure in Nigeria's major cities; sludge and wastewater treatment in the oil/gas and industrial sectors
An overview of other projects in the Market Development Program for SMEs can be found at www.gtai.de/mep.
17th to 20th October 2023 (arrival on 16th October 2023)
Delegation trip to Nigeria (Lagos)
Anton Bondarew
Managing Director
Bondacon International
Tel.: +49 (0) 5254 947 81 90