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Current projects

We organize international trade missions, and information events on doing business in selected foreign markets for institutions, associations and companies. Our focus regions are Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

A second focus area is the organization of delegations for foreign government agencies, institutions, business associations and companies to Germany and other European countries. 


In 2022, we carried out 25 projects. These included a business trip from Germany to South Africa, a business trip from Morocco to the IZB automotive trade show in Wolfsburg, and numerous delegation trips from Asia and Africa to Germany.


2023 saw the execution of  a business initiation trip for German waste management and recycling companies to Nigeria in October 2023, a information trip for East African tourism operators to ITB 2023 Berlin trade fair as well as a large number of international delegations from partner countries of the bilateral German development cooperation to Germany and neighboring European countries. 


Projects planned for 2024 will be published here shortly. 


aktuelle Projekte

Completed projects (project references):

In addition to numerous assignments from private clients, we have successfully completed a number of projects for public clients in recent years. Capacity building delegations from a multitude of countries to Germany are currently an important pillar of our work. In addition, we have specialized in organizing information events on doing business, market chances, and challenges in foreign markets.

East African Tourism Industry Delegation to ITB 2023 Berlin

March 2023



Automotive, Transport, Logistics, mobility in PARAGUAY

June 2021

TVTE & Professional Education in MALAYSIA

7 July 2020, Zoom Webinar



Waste Management & Recycling in the


14 July, Zoom Webinar

(as part of the Export Initiative for Environmental Technologies)

Mining & Raw Materials

March 2020



Logistics, Mobility and Infrastructure
February 2020



Construction Industry

September 2019

Connect with us for to receive an assessment of your business potentials in a particular foreign market or for contacts in one of the markets mentioned in our references.

abgeschlossene Projekte

Reach out to us under:
or call +49 5254 947 81 90.

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